Hey there dear readers. Recently you may have come to my blog and
been upset by its ostensible lack of existence. Well, I can explain...
Long ago, I renamed this blog from
vearland to
The one catch, I never really committed to it, that is to say I never
changed the URL. This past week, I decided to commit to that change
finally, and create two NEW blogs.
vearpothesis.blogspot.com &
The former will continue to serve as my crazy, artistic soapbox amidst
the shifting unknowing masses the blogosphere, whereas the latter shall
serve as a showcase for my best work, or, a portfolio site as it were.
Vearpothesis will be the same old blog you never knew you were hoping to
see, just at a different URL. I'll still post everything there... but
it'll be a home for all of my weird, unfinished ideas. Veartheory (get
it?) will be a place where one can find all of my finest work coalesced
into one spot. No longer will you have to
not scour the google
for my other outposts on the internet! It's also free! So I won't have
to shell out cash for a hosting service, see? we ALL win. And when we
all win: America. So that's all folks, I'll keep this post here for a
while to redirect traffic and then eventually I will close it forever,
and release my white-knuckled strangle-hold on this blog domain,
allowing it to swim free in the luminiferous ether of the
internet...until maybe one day some other poor, naive and senseless
person with the awesome misfortune of sharing my last name shall want to
plant a flag in the internet with it.
One more time...
The Management